September 2022-to date: Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) consultant for the African Development Bank, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire: ' Assisting the African Development Bank in preparation for the Fourth Africa Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation'

  • Development of the agenda of the STI Forum

  • Peer-revision of technical reports

  • Preparation of high-level briefing notes

  • Stakeholder engagement for STI Forum (AfDB partners and co-sponsors)

  • Contribution to STI Forum Declaration

January 2021 - September 2022: Product Owner & Country Representative, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

  • management and coordination of product development process

  • supervision of research team in Cote d’Ivoire

  • liaison with in-country partners and key stakeholders

July 2019 - December 2021: Partnership Consultant for the African Development Bank, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

  • contribution to the annual work programme of the Human Capital, Youth and Skills Development Department

  • partnership lead for the Education and Skills Development Division - including the African Education Fund

  • strategy engagement lead for policy dialogues in STI (Science, Technology and Innovation), TVET and Education Finance

October 2015 - to date: Innovation expert & Senior researcher :'Female Entrepreneurship in Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire and Saudi Arabia'. Collaborative project with ICESI University, Cali, Colombia and International University of Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire.

Investigation of:

  • relationship between culture and innovation

  • incremental versus radical innovation

  • accidental diversification?

September 2017 - February 2018: Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) consultant for the African Development Bank, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire: ' Assisting the African Development Bank in preparation for the Third Africa Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation'

  • Development of the agenda of the STI Forum

  • Peer-revision of technical reports

  • Preparation of high-level briefing notes

  • Stakeholder engagement for STI Forum (AfDB partners and co-sponsors)

  • Contribution to STI Forum Declaration

September 2016 - December 2016: Senior Researcher for UNESCO : 'Developing a thematic set of Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals' 

  • Gathering of a thematic list of Science, Technology and Innovation indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals

  • Development of technical guidelines on data gathering, analysis and implementation

January 2015 - to date: Innovation consultant with CERISS/ European Commission

  • Promotion of Science, Technology and Innovation policy dialogue between EU countries, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.

  • Capacity building and networking activities for intermediary organizations and research centers in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.

June 2014 – December 2014: Innovation consultant with Technopolis, Brighton, UK

  • Development of inventory of Science, Technology and Innovation policies

  • STI scoreboards

  • Policy observatories

June 2014 – June 2015 Innovation expert in PACEIM (Programme d'Accompagnement de Création d'Entreprises Innovantes en Méditerranée); funded by European Investment Bank

  • Identification of agencies and actors of entrepreneurship in EU countries

  • Tracking North African Diaspora in Europe

November 2013: Innovation expert, ‘Research and Innovation analysis in Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, funded by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

  • Analysis of research and innovation landscape

October 2013- December 2014: Innovation expert & Senior Researcher, ‘Research Granting Councils and Funds in the Middle East and North Africa’, funded by IDRC 

  • Higher Education: Analysis of research and funding landscape in Qatar

  • Capacity building