• Lecture series on Managing Innovation: “Business & Entrepreneurship’, International University of Grand Bassam, Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire, January - May 2019; "Innovation in the global context', Kingston Business School, London, UK, February & March 2016 & February 2017

  • Evaluation of research landscapes: Montreal, Canada, 2016; Abu Dhabi & Dubai, UAE, May 2013; Beirut, Lebanon, June 2011

  • Science and innovation capacity building: Cape Town, South Africa, May 2016 & August 2015; Pattaya Thailand, May 2014; Marrakesh, Morocco, January, 2013; Cairo; Egypt, November, 2012; Amman, Jordan, October 2012; Casablanca, Morocco, December 2011; Tunis, Tunisia, November 2011

  • Technology transfer capacity building: Hanoi, Vietnam, May 2016; Larnaca, Cyprus, October 2012; Dakar, Senegal, April 2012; Alexandria, Egypt; 2011

  • Science communication & public engagement: Barcelona, Spain, May 2016; Rabat, Morocco, June 2012 & December 2011; London, UL, December 2010 June, 2009; Cairo, Egypt, January 2010


  • Workshop facilitator: ‘International Labour Organisation and African Development Bank: Skills development in Africa, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, December 2019

  • General Rapporteur: ‘African Education Fund: a consultative external workshop’, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, July 2019

  • Workshop presenter:’ Final conference: Towards an increased EU-Middle East STI Cooperation’, Piran, Slovenia, June 2018

  • Keynote speaker: ”Innovation in the Global context’, International University of Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire, June 2018

  • General Rapporteur: ‘Third Africa Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation’, Cairo, Egypt, February 2018

  • Workshop presenter: 'Science, Research and Innovation cooperation between Indonesia and the UK', Rolls Royce International Learning and Development, Berkhamsted, UK, July 2017

  • Workshop facilitator: ’EU-GCC Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation’, Brussels, Belgium, December 2016

  • Workshop facilitator: 'World Open Innovation Conference', Barcelona, Spain, December 2016

  • Workshop presenter: 'Developing a thematic set of Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals', Montreal, Canada, November 2016

  • Keynote speaker: "Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation', Hanoi, Vietnam, March 2016

  • Workshop facilitator: "Sharing lessons and replicating ideas', Hanoi, Vietnam, March 2016Workshop speaker: 'Cooperation: EU Research and Innovation Program', Tehran, Iran, December 2015

  • Workshop facilitator: 'International cooperation: EU-GCC: strategies and programs', Muscat, Oman, December 2015

  • Workshop facilitator: 'South African Innovation eco-system', South Africa Innovation Summit, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2015

  • Keynote speaker: 'University Industry Cooperation:' Innovation with, for & in context', Samsun, Turkey, April 2015

  • Workshop facilitator: 'Colombian Innovation Finance Training', London, United Kingdom, March 2015

  • Workshop speaker: 'UK-Egypt: Science Park Development Capacity Program', London, United Kingdom, March 2015

  • Workshop chair: 'UK-Kuwait research and development collaboration’, Kuwait City, Kuwait, December 2014

  • Workshop facilitator: ‘Smart Cities for Sustainable Development: European and GCC perspectives & H2020’, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 2014

  • Panel speaker: ‘International research networks: Thai-British Research Collaborations’, Pattaya, Thailand, May 2014

  • Panel speaker:’ Commercialization of research’, Hoa Lac High Tech Park, Hanoi, Vietnam, May 2014

  • Panel speaker: ‘ A culture within a culture’, Going Global Higher Education conference, Miami, USA, May 2014

  • Workshop facilitator: ‘German-African Cooperation in Education and Research’, Berlin, Germany, March 2014

  • Workshop facilitator: “Collaboration opportunities between Qatar and the UK’, Doha, Qatar, February 2014

  • Panel speaker: ‘ Shell dialogues – linking R & D and industry’, Doha, Qatar, June 2013

  • Panel speaker: ‘Funding tools in Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates’, Dubai, UAE, Mai 2013

  • Panel speaker: ‘Higher Education in GCC countries’, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 2013

  • Panel speaker: ‘Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space’, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2013

  • Workshop facilitator:  ‘Innovation: EU – Africa’, Casablanca, Egypt, November 2012

  • Workshop facilitator: ‘Technology Transfer and Valorisation of research results in the MED region’, Larnaca,  Cyprus, October 2012

  • Panel facilitator: ‘MIRA International conference on Mediterranean and EU opportunities’, Amman, Jordan, October 2012

  • Panel speaker and facilitator: ‘ Science and Society’, Rabat, Morocco, June 2012

  • Panel speaker: ‘EU Africa Expert group’, Brussels, Belgium, June 2012

  • Panel and workshop speaker: ‘Enhancing EU–Africa Science and Technology Cooperation, Dakar, Senegal, April 2012

  • Keynote speaker: ‘Science and Citizenship’, Rabat, Morocco, December 2011

  • Panel facilitator: ‘FORUM on Research Driven Cluster Initiatives in North Africa’, Casablanca, Morocco, December 2011

  • Panel speaker: ‘Research and innovation activities in the Mediterranean’, Tunis, Tunisia, November 2011

  • Rapporteur and facilitator: ‘Strategy for international research valorisation’, Marseille, France, October 2011

  • Workshop presenter: ’Green Economy – Invest in Med’, Alexandria, Egypt, September, 2011

  • Workshop presenter: ‘Indicators of Science and Corporation’, Beirut, Lebanon, June 2011

  • UK representative: ‘15th Monitoring Committee for the EURO-MED cooperation in Research, Development and Innovation’, Szeged, Hungary, June 2011

  • UK representative: ‘ 8th Ministerial Meeting on EURO-MED industrial cooperation’, Valetta, Malta, June 2011

  • Workshop presenter: ‘Water-management conference’, Toulouse, France, March 2011

  • Panel speaker, ‘Euro Mediterranean Innovation Space: Water management’, Barcelona, Spain, January 2011

  • Workshop presenter, ‘Invest in Med’, Liege, Belgium, November 2010

  • Panel speaker, ‘Investing in North Africa’, WORKING PARTY, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, June 2010

  • Panel speaker, ‘Arab Science and Technology Strategy’, Cairo, Egypt, January 2010

  • Workshop speaker, ‘The Atlas of Islamic World Science and Innovation’, Bondy, France, November 2009

  • Keynote speaker, ‘Science in a global context’, LUSO, London, June 2009

  • Poster presenter, ‘European Symposium on Polymer Spectroscopy ESOPS’, Heraklion (Greece), June 2003

  • Poster presenter, ‘Micro Total Analysis Systems’, Malmoe, Sweden, September 2004,

  • Workshop presenter, ‘Gordons conference, Analytical Chemistry’, Roscoff, France, June 2005

  • Poster presenter, ‘Micro Total Analysis Systems’, Tokyo, Japan, November 200


  • Y. Koc, P.T. Hammond, B. Lendl, V.G. Gregoriou, “Spectroscopic Linear Dichroism FT-IR Studies of Synthetic Spider Silk”, Macromolecular Symposium, 2004, 205, 191-198


  • P.-A. Auroux, Y. Koc, A. deMello,  A.Manz, P.J. Day, “Miniaturized Nucleic Acid Analysis“, Lab on a chip, 2004, 4, 534-546


  • R. Benninger, Y. Koc, O. Hofmann, J.R. Isidro, M.A.A. Neil, P.M.W. French, A. deMello, “Quantitative 3D Mapping of Fluidic Temperatures within Microchannel Networks using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging“, Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 78(7), 2272-2278


  • Y. Koc, A. deMello, G. McHale, M.I. Newton, P. Roach, N.J. Shirtcliffe, “Nanoscale Superhydrophobicity: Surpression of Protein Adsorption and Promotion of Flow-Induced Detachment“, Lab on a chip, 2008, 8,582